Scarless Breast Implant Surgery
Traditional breast implant surgeries involve making an incision underneath your breast or below your nipple, which will result in a scar on those areas.
“Scarless” breast implant surgery is a technique refined by Dr. Adrian Lo where your breast implants are placed through a small cut in your armpit, leaving your breasts WITHOUT ANY SCARS.
REQUEST A CONSULTATION Before & AfterDr. Lo is an expert in scarless breast implant technique and has been performing and refining this technique over the last 20 years. This procedure is called a transaxillary breast augmentation, but many of Dr. Lo’s patients refer to it as scarless breast implant surgery.
Learn about the armpit cut for Breast Augmentation
Scarless breast augmentation or transaxillary breast augmentation is a technique performed by Dr. Lo where he uses an armpit incision or cut to place a silicone or saline implant behind the breast for breast enhancement or augmentation.
The scarless breast implant placement technique does not make any cuts or incisions on the breast. Therefore, there will not be any scars on the breasts. The armpit incision is hidden, heals well and is almost invisible, which is why many women refer to it as the scarless technique. Women can continue to enjoy wearing all styles of clothing, including sleeveless dresses and tank tops.
Learn About the armpit cut for breast augmentation.What Are the Advantages of Scarless Breast Implant Surgery?
- Avoids scars on the breasts. Small 1 to 1½ inch cut (incision) is made in each armpit to place the silicone or saline implants.
- Avoids cutting the breast tissue.
- Choice of implants. Either gummy bear/highly cohesive silicone gel or saline implants can be used.
- Precise placement of implants. Dr. Adrian Lo uses a specialized endoscopic system to precisely place the implants in the proper position to give you the perkiness and cleavage you desire!
- Results in almost invisible armpit scars. Most patients find that the armpit incision heals well and is barely visible! The incision will look like a normal armpit crease.
- Recovery is easier. Women sometimes wonder if this type of surgery is more difficult or more painful than other techniques and the answer is no to both. The surgery is easier to perform and recover from!
- Simple post-op care. After surgery, patients should wash and apply antibiotic ointment to the armpit once a day. The stitches will dissolve on their own. Deodorant and shaving may be resumed in five days.

Am I a Candidate for Scarless Breast Implant Surgery?
You May Be a Candidate for Scarless Breast Implant Surgery Through the Armpit Cut if:
- You want breast implant surgery and do not want scars on your breasts
- You feel that your breasts are too small and wish to have larger breasts
- Your current breast size is not proportionate to the rest of your body
- Your clothes do not fit properly, or you cannot wear the styles that you wish
- Your breasts have become smaller or have lost their volume or shape after having children
- Your breasts have become smaller after weight loss, dieting, or exercise
- Your breasts are uneven or asymmetric – breast implants can often significantly improve this condition by using different sized implants during your surgery
- You have a history of bad scars or are genetically prone to visible or bad scarring
Who Is Not a Candidate for Scarless Breast Augmentation?
Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for scarless breast implant surgery. If your breasts are very droopy or saggy, you may not be a good candidate for Dr. Lo’s scarless breast implant technique.
During your consultation, Dr. Lo will discuss with you the options for breast implant surgery that are best suited for you.
Breast Implant Options with Scarless Breast Augmentation
Dr. Adrian Lo was one of the early innovators of scarless breast implant surgery, also known as transaxillary breast augmentation which is performed through an incision in the armpit. He has been performing this technique in the Philadelphia area since 1991. He offers scarless breast implant surgery with silicone and saline breast implants.
Dr. Lo uses his specialized endoscopic system to ensure precise placement of breast implants with the transaxillary technique. By making a small 1 to 1½ inch cut in the armpit, your breast implant will be meticulously placed in the proper position behind your muscle and natural breast. This is called submuscular placement.
Scarless Technique With Gummy Bear/Silicone Implants
Dr. Adrian Lo has refined his scarless breast implant technique so that “gummy bear” implants, also known as highly cohesive silicone gel implants, can be placed through the cut in the armpit. Dr. Lo has placed all sizes of silicone/gummy bear implants through the armpit, from 125 cc to 800 cc giving you the option to have implants that give a very natural look and feel to your breasts.
Dr. Lo uses a special funnel to insert the silicone implant for a ‘no-touch’ technique. This technique allows the silicone implant to be placed through a smaller incision without the implant touching the skin, decreasing the risk of infection.
Scarless Technique With Saline Implants
The saline implant is a silicone shell which is filled with saline (natural salt water) to your desired cup size, whether you want B, C, D, DD, or larger. These implants allow you to achieve a rounder look for women desiring a larger breast size.
Women with some natural breast tissue are ideal candidates for saline implants placed through the armpit cut. Breast augmentation with this technique and implant type is also ideal for women who do not want to have follow-up mammograms or ultrasounds before age 40, which is currently recommended for patients with silicone implants.

The Dr. Lo Advantage
Dr. Lo has developed a minimal pain scarless breast surgery protocol. The multi-step plan starts before surgery, continues during surgery and after surgery to minimize your pain and discomfort and promote a fast recovery. Most of his patients take no pain medication after surgery or if needed, acetaminophen or an anti-inflammatory may be recommended.
Upper body movement and mobility are encouraged immediately. Patients may shower the next day and wear a supportive bra that is provided. Most patients are back to work in 3 days. Exercise is resumed in 2 weeks. During your consultation, Dr. Lo and his team will educate you about your breast implant surgery recovery and how painless, easy and fast it may be.
Scarless Breast Implant FAQs
The armpit scar normally heals well, is barely noticeable, and looks like an armpit crease. Frequently, the armpit scar is almost “invisible,” which is why many women refer to it as the “scarless” technique.
Scarless breast surgery is a 45-minute surgery, and you will go home the same day after the surgery. You can expect to have some discomfort / pain for one to three days, and the intensity varies from patient to patient but is well-controlled with pain relief medications and a muscle relaxant. Many women are pleasantly surprised that they have very little pain after the surgery as Dr. Lo uses a special protocol to minimize any pain.
You can drive in five to seven days if you feel up to it. It is recommended to avoid heavy lifting of anything over 10 pounds for two weeks. It is important to avoid repetitive chest or arm movements such as housework or vacuuming until complete healing has occurred.
Generally, you may begin light exercise two to three weeks after the surgery, such as brisk walking outside or on the treadmill. Lower body exercises may be started as well if you feel comfortable. Upper body exercises may be started at three to four weeks, but chest exercises should be limited in the future. Dr. Lo will discuss the timeframe for return to physical activity and exercise based upon your personal situation.
Yes, it is extremely safe. The cut in the armpit is very superficial and does not interfere with any blood vessels, nerves, or lymphatics. It is less invasive than the nipple or crease incision because the technique does not cut through your breast tissue. Dr. Adrian Lo has developed a specialized technique using an endoscopic system and has performed thousands of breast augmentations through the armpit cut over the last 20 years with no major complications.
Absolutely, the armpit cut is the ideal way to have your implants placed for your breast surgery. The armpit cut usually heals up beautifully even though you may have had bad scars on the rest of your body. You will not have any scars on your breasts. Even if the armpit scar doesn’t heal as well as anticipated, it will not be seen as much as if the scar was on your breast (periareolar or crease incision).
The pectoralis muscle is the large muscle between your breast and your chest wall that attaches to your upper arm. With the armpit incision or transaxillary breast augmentation, the implant is placed behind the muscle (pectoralis). This gives a natural smooth look, decreases the chance of scar tissue (or capsular contracture) and makes mammograms easier to read. With placing the implant behind the muscle, your muscles will not be damaged and your strength will be the same. Dr. Lo does not recommend placing the implant in front of the muscle with the armpit cut.
- Many women suffer from large nipples that happened after pregnancy and breast feeding or they may have always been disproportionately large.
- The nipples are often too long and wide causing them to be noticeable in bras and clothing leading to embarrassment. Often women will wear nipple covers or pasties to hide the large nipples.
- A nipple reduction procedure may be performed at the same time as the breast procedure or as a separate procedure under local anesthesia in the office.
- The incision or scar is almost invisible and sensation is usually preserved.
- Surgery time is 30 minutes and complete healing in 2 weeks.
With the armpit cut, because the cut is more superficial and there is no cutting of your breast tissue, the recovery is often quicker and less painful than other techniques. Dr. Lo’s technique involves a gentle creation of a pocket to place your implants with minimal muscle cutting. Dr. Lo uses an endoscope to make a precise pocket for your implant to give you as much cleavage as possible and a natural look.
While breast implants can last for a long time, they should not be considered lifetime devices. Breast implants may last 10, 15, or 20 years or more but sometimes less than 10 years. No one can predict the exact length of time your breast implants will last; it varies with each patient.
Whether your implants are silicone or saline, they may be replaced or exchanged through the armpit cut. Dr. Lo uses the same scar or cut from before and can replace your silicone or saline implant with the same size or a different size either larger or smaller. Dr. Lo can also adjust your breast pocket if necessary to accommodate the different implant size.
Yes, your saline or silicone breast implants normally have a warranty for leakage and rupture. If the implants should leak or rupture, the warranty will cover most of the costs of the implant replacement surgery. Dr. Lo will use the same armpit scar to replace your implant. You also have the option of changing sizes to be either smaller or larger and may have the other implant replaced as well (the implant that is not leaking or ruptured). Warranty coverage is provided by the implant company and is subject to change.
Thousands of women safely undergo breast augmentation surgery with breast implants every year. However, there are limitations and risks to any surgery, including breast implant surgery. These include, but are not limited to, the need to replace the implants in the future and implant deflation. There are other risks, including capsular contracture, permanent numbness of the nipples, asymmetry, and the need for future revision surgery. Despite the recent controversy, several large studies have shown no conclusive evidence that women with breast implants are at risk for connective tissue or immune diseases.
A saline breast implant may leak from the shell or fill valve. If the saline breast implant leaks, the saline is not harmful and is absorbed by the body. With any breast implant leakage, the implant will need to be replaced. Usually, the same incision can be used (the armpit cut), and the surgery is much less involved and, therefore, less painful. Recovery is usually much quicker, as it is just a matter of removing the deflated implant and replacing it with a new implant.
With the new highly cohesive silicone gel implant (gummy bear implant), leakage or rupture is not harmful to patients. These implants are filled with a soft semi-solid silicone that feel like gummy bear candy or jello, which is not absorbed by the body and does not move around the body. It is recommended that you have a mammogram or breast ultrasound every three years to make sure your implants are intact. Replacing the silicone implant can be done through the original armpit scar and is an easier recovery than the original surgery.
The body normally forms a lining around the breast implant; this is called the breast pocket or capsule. Normally, the capsule stays soft and pliable. Capsular contracture is when the capsule becomes thickened. The breasts may feel firm or hard and may have a different shape than they were initially. Severe capsular contracture can occasionally be painful. Additional surgery may be required to remove the capsule (scar tissue). This may not be covered under warranty and would be an additional cost. If you purchased an upgraded warranty, additional surgery for capsular contracture may be covered.
After breast implant surgery, you should have normal nipple feeling or sensation. However, temporary numbness can occur that usually resolves in a few weeks to three months but may take up to one year. Eventually, almost all women will regain normal feeling with time. Permanent numbness of the nipples is rare but can happen. Hypersensitivity can also occur after the surgery but also usually resolves with time.
After having breast implant surgery, breast self-exams can still be performed, and your doctor will still be able to perform breast examinations. Screening mammograms may still be done effectively. It may be more difficult to take and interpret mammograms. This may be a consideration for women with a family history of breast cancer or other individual considerations. An ultrasound or MRI of the breast or breast biopsy may be required if mammograms are inconclusive.
BIA-ALCL (or breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma) is an uncommon and highly treatable type of lymphoma that can develop around breast implants. BIA-ALCL occurs most frequently in patients who have textured breast implants although it possibly can occur in any breast implant. This is not true breast cancer but a cancer of the immune system. When discovered early, BIA-ALCL is usually curable.
In very rare situations, some patients have developed squamous cell cancer (BIA-SCC) around their implants. The cause is unknown and currently being investigated.
Breast implant illness is a condition that is not entirely understood yet and is being investigated. Some women with breast implants develop symptoms such as anxiety, chronic pain, fatigue, hair loss, depression, and more, and they believe that their breast implants are causing these issues. However, there is no test that can be done to determine a link between breast implants and breast implant illness. Removing the breast implants can often relieve the symptoms. At your consultation, Dr. Lo will discuss your individual circumstances and answer any questions you have.
There are other risks that may be unique to your situation and will be discussed with you during your consultation. It is important for you to ask any questions you have with Dr. Adrian Lo during your consultation.
Scarless Breast Implant Surgery With an Expert Plastic Surgeon
Over the last 20 years, Dr. Adrian Lo has performed thousands of scarless breast implant surgeries and the scar heals beautifully and is almost invisible. Dr. Lo has the most experience in this technique in the Delaware Valley region and is considered an expert in scarless breast implant surgery.
Scarless breast implant surgery will give you the best possible look without any scars on your breasts. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Lo to get exactly what you want — your desired cup size, fullness, perkiness, cleavage, and more. The best part is — NO SCARS — no one will know you have implants.
View Dr. Lo’s before and after photos of the scarless breast implant technique.
We also encourage you to watch our video testimonials from scarless breast implant patients and to read other .

Visit Us in New Jersey and the Greater Philadelphia Area!
Dr. Lo has two convenient office locations — one in Philadelphia and another in Marlton, New Jersey. He serves the greater Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware areas. Dr. Lo has treated patients from around the country and Dr. Lo’s team is happy to help out-of-town patients arrange their scarless breast implant surgery to ensure the best patient experience possible.
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Philadelphia Cosmetic Surgery
301 South 8th Street, Suite 3H,
Philadelphia PA 19106
New Jersey Cosmetic Surgery
990 Route 73 North
Marlton, NJ 08053
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